4 Ways You Can Spot Water Damage Early In Your Rentals

4 Ways to Reduce Rental Property Maintenance and Repair Costs

Fixing water damage in rentals  was one of the most popular maintenance jobs this past month performed by Keepe, so here are some tips to help.

Water damage in your rental can be a small annoyance or a really big problem. So the hot maintenance job lately has been around water damage and leaks, perhaps due to the recent wet weather in several parts of the country, according to Keepe.

 With more weather potentially on the way this fall and some rainy days ahead, it pays for property managers and maintenance folks to do a quick checkup.

The best time to check for leaks is after heavy rainfall or on hot humid days because pipes tend to sweat in high temperatures.

However, it is certainly beneficial to take a more preventative approach by inspecting rentals more routinely for water leaks and damage.

4 Ways You Can Spot Water Damage In Rentals Early

 Make sure to look at windows, sinks, showers, roofs, and toilets first as these are usually the most common origins of water leaks.

No. 1 – An increased water bill

An uptick in the water bill for you or your tenants would strongly suggest a leak somewhere in your plumbing system. Unfortunately a big bill can be a helpful way to find leaks that are in places that are rarely visited, such as leaks in attics or crawl spaces.

 No. 2 – Peeling or bubbling paint damage in rentals

4 Ways You Can Spot Water Damage Early In Your Rentals

 This could strongly suggest that the pipes behind the walls might be leaking, causing water to seep through the wall and paint.

No. 3 – Mold buildup

 If you see mold building anywhere in your rental, this could be a strong indicator of a water damage and leak. This is potentially caused by a moisture problem that has been accumulating for a long period of time.

4 Ways You Can Spot Water Damage Early In Your Rentals

No. 4 – Damage indicators like soft spots on roofs, ceilings and walls

 Identifying these soft spots early on could save you a lot of time and money before letting it spread to other areas, causing a bigger, more expensive problem.

Identify and mitigate early

It is extremely crucial to identify a water leak early because an ongoing leak can severely damage walls, ceilings, or even tenants’ belongings.

In addition, when mold starts to form, this will also start to become a very expensive problem, especially if it is more than 10 square feet in size.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has particular guidelines and requirements to deal with these larger moldy surfaces, most of which are very costly.

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About Keepe:

Keepe is an on-demand maintenance solution for property managers and independent landlords. We make hundreds of independent contractors and handymen available for maintenance projects at rental properties. Keepe is available in the Greater Seattle area, Greater Phoenix area, San Francisco Bay area, and Portland area, and we are continuing to expand. Learn more at http://www.keepe.com