How to Maintain Clean Sliding Door Tracks For Your Rental Property

How to Maintain Clean Sliding Door Tracks For Your Rental Property

How to clean and maintain sliding door tracks is the rental property maintenance checkup this week provided by Keepe.

Has dirt built up in the tracks of your sliding doors?

Dirt can easily build up in sliding tracks, letting water seep in and making doors difficult to use. To keep your doors operating smoothly, it helps to know the best tips and tricks to use to clean sliding-door and -window tracks.

Protect your property by ensuring soil and grime doesn’t accumulate on your tracks by regularly cleaning the area. Over time, dirt can build up and become harder to clean and maintain. Here are 3 ways you can clean your sliding tracks and maintain function.

Cleaning the Sliding Door Tracks

Weekly maintenance: For regular sliding track maintenance, use this solution:

  1. Vacuum the tracks whenever you are cleaning your home. Use a small vacuum attachment to reach into the hard-to-reach corners of the tracks. Remove the larger pieces of dirt to ease the cleaning process.
  2. Scrub the tracks with a wire brush and cleaning solution.  A wire brush, toothbrush or any similar tool would work well. As for the cleaning solution, use any cleaner, denatured alcohol, or dish soap, and combine with warm water.
  3. Wipe down the tracks with a rag or paper towel. Remove any last bits of dirt with a dry towel.

How to Maintain Clean Sliding Door Tracks For Your Rental Property

For stubborn dirt that has accumulated over longer periods of time, use this cleaning method instead:

  1. Mix cold water and white vinegar. Before using this combination, sprinkle baking soda onto the tracks over any dirt.
  2. Next, soak the entire track in the vinegar solution, and allow 10 minutes of soaking time to let the solution loosen any dirt and material stuck in the tracks.
  3. Scrub the area down with a toothbrush or wire brush.
  4. Wipe down the area with a paper towel or rag.

Monthly maintenance: Every two months, lubricate sliding tracks to maintain optimal functionality.

  1. Clean your tracks using one of the methods mentioned earlier before lubricating your tracks.
  2. Spray a silicone lubricant onto the tracks and wipe down the excess lubricant with a rag.
  3. Open and close the door several times to spread the lubricant across the doors.

How to Maintain Clean Sliding Door Tracks For Your Rental Property

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About Keepe:

Keepe is an on-demand maintenance solution for property managers and independent landlords. The company makes a network of hundreds of independent contractors and handymen available for maintenance projects at rental properties. Keepe is available in the Greater Seattle area, Greater Phoenix area, San Francisco Bay area, Portland, San Diego and is coming soon to an area near you. Learn more about Keepe at