Gwyn Desimone and Jim Miller have won the pothole contest for their apartment complex and get a parking lot makeover for their Dune Grass Apartment complex courtesy of NYS Enterprises Paving.
Their complex is located at 807 Anchor Ave NW in Ocean Shores, Washington.
“I would like to congratulate the winners. I have visited site and looking forward to repairing their very needed pot holes!” said Steve Nys of NYS Enterprises.
Gwyn and Jim combined on the winning entry with Jim taking the photo and Gwyn entering it into the pothole contest.
She is the Area Manager for the property and recently moved into compliance at the corporate office.
“I have been with Quantum Management Services for approximately 10 years, we work with mostly low income programs. This property is a USDA/RD property we have managed since 2012. The manager Jim Miller is an asset to the property and does everything he can to maintain the property in great condition under a budget.
“He has been with the property over 20 years. I started out as a leasing agent and moved my way up through the company. I enjoy helping others and providing safe /clean affordable housing to those whom are in need for housing,” Gwyn said.
Pothole contest focuses attention on parking lot maintenance
Nys said, “Potholes start by not sealing your cracks. Filling cracks is inexpensive maintenance that should be looked once a year. Water is the number one cause of asphalt damage. Be proactive and seal your cracks. Pot holes are telling you that asphalt is in need of overdue repairs. And seal coat your lots!
“So avoid future potholes by having annual sealing and maintenance of the cracks in your parking lot,” Nys said. “If you already have potholes in need of repair give us a call. We do the highest quality work at very reasonable prices.”