Touch or click here to see the print edition of Portland Metro Rental Housing Journal for July 2023.
This is helpful, useful information for rental property owners, property managers, landlords and maintenance personnel.
This month’s edition discusses rental prices holding steady in Portland.
Also it features the story on the new rent control bill, SB611, signed by Governor Tina Kotek in early July setting new caps on what rental property owners can charge for rent in Oregon.
See the latest from Multifamily Northwest as well as great ideas for countertops in rental properties.
See the Portland Metro Rental Housing Journal Issue Here.
“While the notion of rent-control policies may appear as an appealing solution to housing affordability, it is critical to acknowledge their potentially counterproductive and damaging consequences. Rent control has been proven to negatively impact renters, housing providers and even entire communities.
“This research shows that rent control policies can inadvertently lead to reduced housing supply, lower property values and decreased quality of available properties. Additionally, rent control disincentives new construction, which could exacerbate the housing affordability crisis,” the NAA research said.
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