4 Steps To Prevent Mold In Your Rental Property Attic

4 Steps To Prevent Mold In Your Rental Property Attic

Did you know mold can grow in the attic of your rental property and may have been made worse during the pandemic so here are 4 steps to prevent mold in your rental property attic.

By Certified Indoor Environmental

One area that is often overlooked while forecasting during budget season is the attic assessment.

For attics that are inspected yearly, the cost can be much smaller than waiting for a potential problem to ensue.  Benjamin Franklin said, “Beware of little expenses, a small leak can sink a big ship.” The same is true for attics; putting off this detail can likely cause a huge variance down the road.

The best way to remove mold is to not have mold in the first place! At Certified Indoor Environmental, we know the easiest way to prevent mold is to follow these 4 steps:

1. Check Attic Spaces Regularly

Conducting building-maintenance checks on a regular basis prevents unnecessary expenses for property owners and tenants.  It is important to look for roof discoloration, fan ducts blowing air into the attic, and moisture on the sheathing.

2. Check Humidity Levels in Your Building and Attic Spaces

Over a year ago when the pandemic began, tenants were stuck in their units, and some of these buildings were not equipped to have residents cooking, showering, and working remotely 24/7.  These COVID-induced lifestyles have led to excess humidity, which contributes to mold growth in attics and interiors. Mold left unchecked can result in tenant complaints, rent concessions, and costly repairs.

3. Ensure Your Building Is Properly Ventilated

Mold in attic spaces is common and fast-growing, but is also preventable with annual assessments and consulting with an expert in both mold remediation and ventilation.  Without proper ventilation, hot humid air escapes into the attic, creating condensation on the roof sheathing. Over time, this moisture degrades the sheathing, leading to costly roof replacements and remediation.

4. Determine What Is Causing the Mold and Correct It

Hiring a professional to assess your building’s attic can help identify potential problems before they happen.  If mold growth is present, an expert can locate the source of the mold, remediate, and make corrections to prevent the mold from returning.

Bottom Line: Taking a few minutes to doublecheck your attics regularly will be worth the thousands of dollars you will save not having to remove mold or implement costly roof repairs.

About the author:

Certified Indoor Environmental offers non-destructive mold remediation, which is the most cost-effective method for removing mold staining.  We do not paint over or encapsulate the mold, we remove it!  Other companies recommend replacing the building materials, which can be costly and take more time, or they simply paint over the mold.We also understand the dynamics of working with tenants and the budgeting challenges that property managers face.  Certified is recognized as the industry expert for identifying the cause and designing the ventilation to prevent future issues. Our experience is unmatched in the industry today.  We work with a variety of roofing companies and sub-contractors to help solve difficult ventilation problems.  We take you through the entire project-management process for your big projects from scope of work to completion, provide documentation of the project including before and after photos, and can finish on time and within your budget. If you need more reassurance, we have more than 1,500 5-star reviews that are a testament to the quality of our service we provide.  Schedule An Assessment Today! Certified Indoor Environmental | (503) 241-9199 | cmt@certifiedie.com


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