Why Completing All Compliance Training Is Critical To Your Protection


Compliance training is important for landlords and property managers to keep up with ever-changing rental housing laws at federal, state and local levels. The Grace Hill training tip this week focuses on the second in the series on compliance training.

By Ellen Clark

Once I had a nagging running injury and was prescribed physical therapy.

In addition to sessions two times a week, the physical therapist gave me stretches to do daily, on my own.  Weeks went by and the injury still nagged.

Frustrated, I told the physical therapist, “This isn’t working.”

 Stretches don’t work if you are not actually doing them

She asked if I was doing the stretches every day.

After moment of thought, I told her I was doing the stretches almost every day. “Well,” she said, “we can’t say the stretches don’t work if you aren’t actually doing them.”

Ok, so she had a point.

Something similar can happen with training.

As trainers or administrators, we don’t see results and we get frustrated. We scrap what we’re doing for something new.

Are your employees actually completing the important compliance training?

But what we often don’t investigate first is, are people actually completing training, and are they completing it in the way it was designed to be completed?

In compliance this is particularly important to complete the training the way it was designed. Should you ever need to defend your training – in court, lawsuits, etc – the more you know about who did what and when, the better off you’ll be.

Measuring training implementation is the low hanging fruit of compliance training evaluation, but it is also one of the most important things to measure.

Here are some things to consider.

Track your employees’ training programs, both online and in real life.

Diligently track employee training via both your learning management system (LMS) and in-person training activities.

What’s Your Denominator? 

When tracking compliance training completion, absolute numbers are useful, but percentages are more informative.

It is generally more useful to know that 100% of people completed training than it is to know that 136 people completed training. Always track who is supposed to have completed training, so you have your denominator.

 Meticulously Track Participation

If you use online training, make sure employees are in the system correctly and that your LMS allows you to track training completion and retrieve the data at the employee level. Use a sign-in sheet for in-person training, and take roll call on a webinar. Always track the date training was completed.

Avoid pursuing a false path by collecting and evaluating complete information regarding your training program.

Collecting and evaluating compliance training implementation data helps to ensure you don’t get dragged down the wrong path when attempting to correct an issue or concern.

Go beyond Participation – Track Implementation 

In an ideal world, what are all the things a person would do to complete training the way you designed it?

    • Is there a follow-up assignment to an online training module?
    • Is there a role play activity during an in-person training?
    • List these things out and track who did them.

This will help you know how many people completed the training with fidelity. If your evaluation doesn’t show the results you’d hoped, maybe it isn’t that the stuff isn’t working, maybe it is that people aren’t doing all the stuff.

Collecting compliance training implementation data guards against drawing wrong conclusions about effectiveness. You don’t want to conclude that training didn’t work when, in fact, the issue was that people didn’t complete the training, or didn’t complete it with fidelity.

In compliance this is particularly important. Should you ever need to defend your training, the more you know about who did what and when, the better off you’ll be.

Next up, we’ll look at some basic tips for measuring learning in compliance training.

This is the second post in a series about how to measure the effectiveness of your compliance training program. Read Part 1 here.

Read Ellen’s full blog post here.

About the author:

Ellen Clark is the Director of Assessment at Grace Hill.  Her work has spanned the entire learner lifecycle, from elementary school through professional education. She spent over 10 years working with K12 Inc.’s network of online charter schools – measuring learning, developing learning improvement plans using evidence-based strategies, and conducting learning studies. Later, at Kaplan Inc., she worked in the vocational education and job training divisions, improving online, blended and face-to-face training programs, and working directly with business leadership and trainers to improve learner outcomes and job performance. Ellen lives and works in Maryland, where she was born and raised.


Compliance training is important to your protection as an owner, landlord and property manager


Photo credit Tumsasedgars via istockphoto.com