Real Estate Opportunities In Investing Magazine

Real Estate Opportunities in Investing magazine (ROI) is published by The National Real Estate Investors Association.

Real Estate Opportunities In Investing Magazine

ROI Magazine from the National Real Estate Investors Association 2019

Keep up with ROI magazine, real estate investing, and all the latest news from the National Real Estate Investors Association where you can find out how and where to join a local real estate investing chapter around the country.

Also keep up with regular real estate investing breaking news and more at the National Real Estate Investor’s Association news website at Real Estate Investing Today.

ROI magazine is published by The National Real Estate Investors Association. We are a federation made up of local associations or investment groups throughout the United States. We represent local investor associations, property owner associations, apartment associations, and landlord associations on a national scale.

Together we represent the interests of approximately 40,000 members across the U.S. As such, we are the largest broad based organization dedicated to the individual investor.  Click here to find a chapter or affiliated group near you.

National REIA trains the leaders of local Real Estate InvestorAssociations (REIAs) to provide current market information and updates, create great educational opportunities, and put on successful networking events. This endeavor encourages independent real estate investors to get their education and referrals from experienced colleagues, rather than from the school of hard knocks. By showing leaders how to successfully lobby elected officials, engaging multiple lobbyists at the national level and hosting events to get face to face with elected officials, National REIA gives independent real estate investors a political voice that they could never hope to have individually. We also offer substantial benefits such as discounts on products and services that help keep investors’ costs down and their profits up. We even keep them up to date with national industry news
and trends through our online news portal and our quarterly newspaper,
The Real Estate Journal.