Do You Know 10 Ways To Be A Great Landlord?
It is upsetting when we get tenant complaints as a landlord but do you know the 10 ways to be a great landlord?
It is hard work renting apartments or homes to tenants and it...
7 great reasons to invest in smaller multifamily real estate
Are smaller multifamily buildings a better fit for many real estate investors than larger multifamily commerical buildings? This week veteran real estate investor Richard Montgomery, who knows real estate investing, from up-close, get-your-hands-dirty rehab...
Do I Have To Pay For Tenant Housing While I Fumigate Apartments?
An apartment building owner has to fumigate apartments due to termites and wants to know how to handle the issue as well as the tenants. Here are several things to consider say blogger Richard...
8 Ways To Invest Capital To Make Older Apartments Sparkle
This question to Dear Monty prompted him to list 8 ways that can mean happier tenants, lower turnover rates and higher rents for incoming tenants if you choose the right tips to make your...