First-in-time requires that Seattle landlords provide notice of their screening criteria and offer tenancy to the first qualified applicant who completes an application.
Step 1
Gather information. You must provide notice in writing to applicants before you collect applications or materials.
Step 2
Create a notice that includes:
- Minimum criteria to qualify.
- All required documents or information.
- How to request additional time for language access or reasonable accommodation for a disability.
- Whether the property has set aside units to serve vulnerable populations.
- Information about Seattle’s Fair Chance Housing Law
Step 3
Post the ad notice. Record the date and time each application is received. An application is complete when all the information asked for in the notice is provided. For people with disabilities ore language access needs, the date and time for a completed application is the date of the request for additional time.
Step 4
Screen applications. Applications must be reviewed one at a time in chronological order. Reviewing more than one application at once is a violation of the law.
- If you need additional information, you must give at least 72 hours for the application to provide the information.
- Follow Seattle’s Fair Chance Housing Law requirements
Step 5
Offer tenancy to the first applicant that meets the screening criteria.
Step 6
Applicant accepts offer within 48 hours. If the applicant does not accept within that time, you can screen the next application in chronological order.